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Guidance for health workers: vaping to quit smoking or quitting vaping
These documents provide guidance for health workers in Aotearoa to support people who are vaping and want to stop. There is also current evidence on using vaping to stop smoking.
Toolkit: Make a smoking or vaping complaint
Use the smoking and vaping complaint resources to raise awareness about how anyone can make a complaint about a tobacco or vape retailer or submit enquiries about the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990.
Getting to Smokefree 2025 Plan
The Getting to Smokefree 2025 Plan is an overview of how we will ensure that daily smoking prevalence is under 5% for all population groups in Aotearoa by December 2025.
Vapefree brand guidelines
The Vapefree brand guidelines show how to use the Vapefree and Hākohu Kore logo. Please read the brand guidelines before you download a logo or template. The logo should always be used appropriately.
The guidelines contain information on:
Smokefree brand guidelines
The Smokefree brand guidelines show how to use the Smokefree and Auahi Kore logo. Please read the brand guidelines before you download a logo or template. The logo should always be used appropriately.
The guidelines contain information on:
Smokefree/Auhahi Kore logos
The Smokefree/Hākohu Kore logos are available in several formats and colours, for print and digital use. Each version is available in a .zip file.
Vapefree/Hākohu Kore logos
The Vapefree/Hākohu Kore logos are available in several formats and colours, for print and digital use. Each version is available in a .zip file.
Let’s Clear the Air
The Let’s Clear The Air publication is available to download in English and te reo Māori. It provides information on youth vaping and ways to support the Vapefree and Smokefree kaupapa in schools.
Smokefree and No vaping stickers
This resource is a set of two types of stickers that contain the following text: 'Kaua e momi haurehu/auahi kore' and 'No vaping/Smokefree'.
Breakfree to Smokefree campaign toolkit
This toolkit of downloadable Breakfree to Smokefree resources includes items such as digital banners and templates to print.
Smokefree and vapefree schools policy document
Schools, kura kaupapa, kōhanga reo and early childhood education and care centres can decide if they should have a vaping policy.
Reducing vaping harm for young people
An information sheet about the resources available in Aotearoa for reducing vaping harm in young people.
ASH Year 10 Snapshot survey
The annual ASH Year 10 Snapshot surveys 20,000-30,000 students on their smoking and vaping behaviour and attitudes.
Maps: NZ councils’ smokefree outdoor areas
These maps provide a snapshot of the newer smokefree outdoor areas that local councils are moving towards. There are three versions for easy use and they will be a valuable tool when working with councils.
Vaping information for schools and early childhood centres
Information for schools, kura kaupapa Māori, kōhanga reo and Early Childhood Education and care centres about the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendmen
More resources
Health Promotion resource store
Hosted by the Health Promotion directorate, this resource store features a range of free material across several topics, including campaign resources.
HealthEd is the largest collection of prevention-focused public health resources in Aotearoa.