World Smokefree May
World Smokefree Day is on 31 May every year.

World Smokefree May leads up to the celebration of World Smokefree Day on 31 May. World Smokefree Day is internationally known as World No Tobacco Day, also celebrated annually on 31 May.
The objectives of World Smokefree May and World Smokefree Day in Aotearoa are:
- to raise awareness and contribute to acheiving the Smokefree 2025 goal
- to raise awareness of the smokefree kaupapa to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke and increase quit attempts
- to enable continuity and consistency of messaging and promotion across the country
- to build on and complement current work in tobacco control.
Get involved with World Smokefree May and the Smokefree kaupapa by checking out the Aotearoa World Smokefree May website.
The World Smokefree May website is a hub for whānau, organisations, rangatahi and communities to visit during the month of May and for Smokefree 2025. The website promotes sector activities and events around the motu, links to local stop smoking services, features media releases, and houses digital resources. Find what events are happening face-to-face | kanohi ki te kanohi and online on the World Smokefree May events page.
Most New Zealanders are smokefree and want smokefree environments. Having smokefree whānau, homes, workplaces and public spaces is worth celebrating. Tihei manawa ora! Sneeze, the breath of life!
Tools and resources
Hāpai Te Hauora has a range of digital tools and resources to support Smokefree 2025.
Want to quit?
World Smokefree May is the perfect opportunity to encourage and support friends and whānau on their quit journey.
If you want to stop smoking or want to support someone who smokes to quit, browse the stop smoking services map for details on the organisations who can help in your region. You can learn more about how vaping can help some people to quit smoking.