
Tobacco control sector

Details of organisations that are involved in tobacco control in Aotearoa.

The tobacco control sector has an essential role to achieve the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 goal. This guide includes contact information for government and regional agencies, non-government organisations and training services.

Government agencies

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is responsible for planning and commissioning hospital, primary and community health services. 

Ministry of Health | Manatū Hauora is the key Ministry for policy development in the tobacco control area. It is involved in policy, service development and operational aspects of tobacco control.

Te Pou Hauora | Tūmatanui Public Health Agency within Manatū Hauora leads population and public health policy, strategy, regulatory, intelligence, surveillance and monitoring functions across the health system.

These agencies work alongside whānau, communities and other sectors. They draw on mātauranga Māori and data to provide health promotion, prevention and health protection at local, regional and national levels. 

Non-government agencies

Hāpai Te Hauora is the National Tobacco Control Advocacy service in Aotearoa. It ensures that the government’s public consultations on smokefree legislation are considered and translated into public health policies and programmes, particularly for Māori and Pacific peoples.

Tala Pasifika (Pacific Action for Change) is an initiative to unite Pacific peoples to improve health outcomes.

Aspire Aotearoa is a partnership between major Aotearoa research groups that is carrying out tobacco control research. It aims to strengthen existing collaborations to help achieve the Smokefree 2025 goal equitably.

ASH (Action for Smokefree 2025) is an incorporated society that serves as the leading independent campaign voice for tobacco control measures. ASH also undertakes research including the ASH Year 10 Survey, the largest survey of its type in Aotearoa.

The Cancer Society promotes a smokefree Aotearoa through policy and advocacy. As the greatest preventable cause of cancer in Aotearoa, tobacco smoking is a key focus for the Cancer Society. 

The Heart Foundation assists health professionals who are working with people at high risk of heart disease. This includes providing tools and guidance to help people understand the impact of smoking on their heart health.

Training services

Inspiring Limited co-ordinates the National Training Service on behalf of the Ministry of Health. The National Training Service delivers qualifications for stop-smoking practitioners and is responsible for the national training strategy across smoking cessation fields. It offers the Stop Smoking Practitioners’ Programme, which includes remote and face-to-face learning.

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You can use Smokefree even if you don't have mobile data. Go to zero.govt.nz on your mobile phone and select 'Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora'.

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