
Toolkit: Make a smoking or vaping complaint

Use the smoking and vaping complaint resources to raise awareness about how anyone can make a complaint about a tobacco or vape retailer or submit enquiries about the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990. 

These resources tell the public to contact Health NZ if they:

  • notice retailers selling vapes or tobacco to people under 18 years of age
  • notice retailers displaying tobacco products
  • notice smoking or vaping in workplaces, restaurants, pubs or other licensed premises
  • have a concern about general vape retailers such as dairies, supermarkets and service stations
  • have concerns about specialist vape retailers. These sell mostly vape products and can sell flavoured vapes. 

Using the resources

  • Anyone can print the downloadable posters to display in their community.
  • These resources come with a QR code that is linked to Health NZ’s smoking and vaping complaint form.
  • When uploading a social tile or website banner, please include info.health.nz/TellUs as the link to the online smoking and vaping complaint form.
  • Newsletter ads can be used in your school newsletter. The QR code links to the smoking and vaping complaint form. You can also add info.health.nz/TellUs as a direct link to the form.

Find out more about the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990.

If you have questions about these resources, contact SERPA.compliance@tewhatuora.govt.nz.

A3 posters

smokefree vapefree complaint poster

These .zip files contain A3 posters available in 4 different designs.

Customisable A3 posters are also available.

Social tiles


These .zip files contain a selection of social tiles for:

  • Facebook (1080x1080, square) in 4 different designs
  • Instagram (1080x1920, portrait) in 4 different designs
  • Facebook cover images (851x315, landscape) in 2 different designs

Digital banners

smokefree vapefree complaint web banner

These .zip files contain digital banners in 3 different designs in the following formats:

  • Web banners in 2 different sizes: 1920x300 and 1920x400
  • Email signatures in 1034x207

School newsletter ads

smokefree vapefree complaint poster

These .zip files contain newsletter banners and adverts in portrait and landscape formats.




Shielded site

You can use Smokefree even if you don't have mobile data. Go to zero.govt.nz on your mobile phone and select 'Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora'.

Haere whakamua, hoki whakamuri