Contact us

Contact us

Contact us

For media requests

Interviews and requests for comment
If you have a media request, such as an interview or request for comment, email the Te Whatu Ora Media team.

Can someone from Smokefree speak at my school, community event or, workplace?
Contact your local stop smoking service or public health unit. They may have someone that can attend your event. Find your local service.



I have a complaint to make about a retailer selling tobacco.
Contact the Ministry of Health’s Tobacco Regulatory Authority.

I have a complaint about a vaping product, a specialist vape retailer, etc.
Complete this form, which will be sent to The Ministry of Health’s Vaping Regulatory Authority.


Laws, legislation and regulations

Information on the Smokefree legislation
Visit the  Manatū Hauora page on the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Act.  

Information on vaping, herbal smoking and smokeless tobacco products 
Visit the  Manatū Hauora page on Vaping, herbal smoking and smokeless tobacco products regulation.


Support and quit services

Getting help to quit smoking
There are free stop smoking services based throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. Find your local Stop Smoking service.
Quitline can also help. You can register for free on their website,, call 0800 778 778, or text 4006 anytime.  

Getting help to quit vaping
Quitline and the stop smoking services can provide support if you want help to quit vaping. 

How can I get NRT?
Stop smoking services can support people who want to quit smoking or to switch to less harmful products by providing behaviour support and nicotine replacement therapy. Find your local Stop Smoking service.
You can also contact Quitline. Call 0800 778 778 or text 4006.
Alternatively, visit your local pharmacy, supermarket or make an appointment with your General Practitioner.


Facts and information

What is second-hand smoke?
Check out our page on second-hand smoke.

Where can I go to find out about youth vaping? 
Check out Protect Your Breath.

Where can I learn more about vaping? 
Go to Vaping Facts.


Logos, signage and branding

Can I use the Smokefree logo?
Yes, but be sure to follow, the brand guidelines.

How can I order Smokefree and Vapefree signage? 
Smokefree Signage can be ordered from the Health Promotion online ordering shop.
For Kura, Kohanga, Schools and ECEs, Kaua e momi haurehu/Auahi kore and No vaping/Smokefree stickers can be ordered at the Smokefree resources page.
Vapefree signage is not currently manufactured for supply for everyone else. However, there are files and instructions for print are available at Vapefree/Hākohu Kore Signage

Are you able to sponsor my event?
We do not sponsor events, other than the Smokefree Rockquest and Tangata Beats national competitions.

Can I order smokefree merchandise for our events?
We do not provide Smokefree merchandise.

Can I get any Smokefree stickers or pamphlets?
Smokefree 2025 stickers are available on the Smokefree resources page and general Smokefree stickers and pamphlets can be found on HealthEd.


Other enquiries

For any other issues, information, or feedback about this website, you can email the Smokefree team.


Page last updated: 7 Jun 2024