Integrating smokefree into the wider curriculum
To enhance the protective factors, schools are encouraged to implement a whole of school approach. Smokefree can be used as a topic to engage students through a range of curriculum areas.
Within The New Zealand Curriculum, the health and physical education learning area “makes a significant contribution to the wellbeing of students beyond the classroom, particularly when it is supported by school policies and procedures, and by the actions of all people in the school community”.
Similarly, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa describes the aspiration of developing “successful learners, who will grow as competent and confident learners, effective communicators in the Māori world, healthy or mind, body and soul and secure in their identity and sense of belonging.” Both of these visions align with the goal of being smokefree.
Educating people about the benefits of a smokefree lifestyle is essential. It provides a highly relevant area for developing curriculum competencies, especially “managing self” and “participating and contributing”.
The health and physical education curriculum learning area:
- includes drug education directly as part of the mental health area of learning
- is underpinned by four concepts – taha tinana (physical wellbeing), taka hinengaro (mental and emotional wellbeing), taha whanau (social wellbeing), and taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing). Each of which is highly relevant to drug education, including the importance of being smokefree
- presents achievement objectives within four strands, three of which are especially relevant to drug education, including the importance of being smokefree
- states clearly that the health curriculum makes a significant contribution to the wellbeing of students beyond the classroom and that it must be supported by school policies and procedures and by the actions of all people in the school communities.
See the many resources available to assist teaching and learning with the smokefree kaupapa.
Read here about how two schools have succesfully integrated Smokefree teaching and learning into other curriculum areas. Columba College integrated smokefree into their English programme and have shared two of the amazing speeches delivered by their students. Corinna School in Porirua used one of the smokefree stories “Old Mitch” to develop students’ literacy and to develop their skills to become informed citizens.