
School students sitting in a group

Ngā kura

Schools and early childhood education services are at the heart of our communities. Keeping them smokefree and vapefree can help young people make positive choices and give them the best opportunities for success.

School students sitting in a group
The backs of musicians chontalle musson, Smokefree rockquest 2024 finalists performing on a stage, facing an audience

Smokefree Rockquest and Smokefree Tangata Beats

These are annual music competitions for intermediate and high school students throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

Get involved
School students high fiving

Legal requirements for smokefree schools

Ideas on signage, policies and other ways to create a smokefree culture in your school, kura kaupapa, early childhood education centre or kōhanga reo.

Learn more

Useful resources

Let's Clear the Air

Let's Clear the Air is an information booklet on youth vaping that helps school staff, youth workers, whānau and students to support smokefree and vapefree kaupapa in schools.

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Order stickers

Smokefree and 'no vaping' stickers are available for free to schools, kura, ECEs and kōhanga reo.

Find out more

Signs and stencils

Reusable signage and stencils can tell people that they are in a smokefree environment.

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Protect your Breath

Protect your Breath is a series of initiatives developed to help encourage young people in Aotearoa to think critically about vaping.

Three school pupils at the Vaper Arcade display, part of the Protect your Breath campaign
Shielded site

You can use Smokefree even if you don't have mobile data. Go to zero.govt.nz on your mobile phone and select 'Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora'.

Haere whakamua, hoki whakamuri