Stop smoking services

Stop smoking services

Local help to stop smoking

Find a Stop Smoking Service near you by using the interactive map.

Click on the map to find your local service

  • Auckland & Waitematā
    • Auckland
    • Waitematā
    Ready Steady Quit

    Ready Steady Quit is a face-to-face service free to people who have decided to stop smoking.

    Phone: 0800 500 601

    Email | Website

    The Fono

    The Fono is a Pacific Stop Smoking Service that is free, culturally safe, and confidential.

    Phone: 0800 FONO4U (366 648)

    Email | Website | Facebook

  • Bay of Plenty
    • Bay of Plenty

    Hāpainga Stop Smoking Service is a free service to help people in the Bay of Plenty (Western and Eastern) to quit smoking.

    Phone: 0800 HAPAINGA (0800 427 246)

    Email | Website | Facebook

  • Canterbury and Chatham Islands
    • Canterbury and Chatham Islands
    Te Hā - Waitaha Stop Smoking Canterbury

    Te Hā - Waitaha Stop Smoking Canterbury has a hub in Christchurch with Quit Coaches based in Māori, Pasifika and rural community organisations across Canterbury. We run group clinics, provide individual support, and also specific support for people who are Māori, Pacific, pregnant, or live with a pregnant person.

    Phone: 0800 425 700
    Email Website

    Tangata Atumotu Trust

    Tangata Atumotu Trust delivers services to the Pasifika community in Christchurch, including a Pacific Stop Smoking Service.

    Phone: 0800 PASIFIKA (727 434)
    Email Website

  • Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley & Wairarapa
    • Wairarapa
    • Wellington
    • and the Hutt Valley
    Takiri Mai Te Ata

    Takiri Mai Te Ata is a free stop smoking service that will support clients in their journey to become smokefree.

    Phone: 0800 WAN AKP (0800 926 257)

    Email | Website | Facebook

    (Pacific Stop Smoking Service) Hutt Valley Pacific Health Service

    (Pacific Stop Smoking Service) Hutt Valley Pacific Health Service provides free, culturally safe, and confidential counselling services for families in the Hutt Valley Region.

    Phone: 04 577 0394

    Email | Website

    (Pacific Stop Smoking Service) Pacific Health Plus

    (Pacific Stop Smoking Service) Pacific Health Plus is a Stop Smoking Provider and can link you to a Quit Coach, NRTs, and other types of support.

    Phone: 0800 747 587

    Email | Website

  • Counties Manukau
    • Counties Manukau
    Living Smokefree

    Living Smokefree works in partnership with community quit smoking services across the district to ensure people are offered multiple free, convenient and culturally appropriate options for ongoing support.

    Phone: 0800 569 568

    Email | Website | Facebook

    SouthSeas Healthcare

    SouthSeas Healthcare is a Pacific Stop Smoking Service for people within the South Auckland area.

    Phone: 09 273 9017

    Email | Website | Facebook

  • Hawke′s Bay
    • Hawke′s Bay

    Te Haa Matea provides free face-to-face support for whānau to stop smoking.

    Phone: 0800 300 377

    Email | Website | Facebook

  • Lakes
    • Rotorua
    • Taupo
    • Turangi

    Manaaki Ora Smokefree Support Service is a free programme providing people who smoke, their friends and whānau/family with support, advice and strategies to quit smoking.

    Phone: 0800 348 2400

    Email | Website | Facebook

  • MidCentral
    • Otaki
    • Palmerston North
    • Manawatu
    • Horowhenua
    • Tararua

    Te Ohu Auahi Mutunga (TOAM) provides stop smoking services completely free of charge.

    Phone: 0800 40 50 11

    Email | Website

  • Nelson Marlborough
    • Marlborough
    • Nelson

    Stop Smoking Service Nelson Marlborough offers free stop smoking support. 

    Phone: 0800 NO SMOKE (0800 667 665)

    Email | Website

  • Northland
    • Northland

    Toki Rau Stop Smoking Services provides free Northland-wide face-to-face support which can be provided in an individual, whānau/family or group setting. They have eight sites across Tai Tokerau.

    Phone: 0508 TOKIRAU (0508 8654 728)

    Email | Website

  • South Canterbury
    • South Canterbury

    South Canterbury Stop Smoking Services provides behavioural support throughout the quitting journey. Support can be face to face, by text, by phone or by email.

    Phone: 0800 542 527

    Email | Website | Facebook

  • Southern
    • Southland and Otago
    Southern Stop Smoking Service

    Southern Stop Smoking Service provides free community group clinics and one-on-one support to support clients on their journey to become smokefree.

    Phone: 0800 925 242

    Email | Website

    Oamaru Pacific Island Community Group

    Oamaru Pacific Island Community Group delivers services to the Pasifika community in Oamaru, including a Pacific Stop Smoking Service.

    Phone: 0800 674 247

    Email | Website | Facebook

  • Tairawhiti
    • Gisborne
    • Tairawhiti

    Turanga Health Stop Smoking Service provides kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face) support for whānau through their quit smoking journey.

    Phone: (06) 869 0457

    Email | Website

  • Taranaki
    • Taranaki

    Taranaki Stop Smoking Service (TSSS) is free, confidential and can come to clients at any time - wherever they are.

    Phone: 0800 TUI ORA (0800 884 672)

    Email | Website | Facebook

  • Waikato
    • Waikato
    Once and For All Stop Smoking Service

    Once and For All Stop Smoking Service is available to smokers who live or work in Waikato District Health Board area.

    Phone: 0800 ONCE4ALL(0800 6623 4255)


    Email | Website | Facebook

    K’aute Pasifika Trust (Hamilton)

    K’aute Pasifika Trust has a Hamilton branch within its Pacific Stop Smoking Service.

    Phone: 07 834 1482 or 0800 252 883

    Email | Website | Facebook

  • West Coast
    • West Coast
    Oranga Hā - Tai Poutini

    Oranga Hā - Tai Poutini: Stop Smoking West Coast provides free smokefree support to anyone living in the West Coast who want to stop smoking.

    Phone: 0800 456 121
    Email (Westport) | Email (Greymouth) | Website


    Smokefree Pregnancy and Newborn Incentives Programme (SPANIP) provides ongoing support to quit smoking and NRTs for people who want to be smokefree while pregnant, and for up to 4 months postpartum.

    Phone: 03 768 6182

    Coast Quit

    Coast Quit is free and provides support to people in the West Coast who want to stop smoking and is provided by a trained smoking cessation persion at your GP practice or local pharmacy.

  • Whanganui
    • Whanganui

    Ngā Taura Tūhono – Whanganui Stop Smoking Service helps people who smoke to find the best way to become smokefree and will support them along the way.

    Phone: 0800 200 249

    Email | Website

Local Stop Smoking Services

Use the map to find a local Stop Smoking Service. The people here will be able to work with you to create your quit plan, with free and flexible support and free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). They can also provide you with information and support if you want to use vaping as a way to quit smoking.

An in-person service can help you and your whānau throughout your journey to quit smoking. Some options include:

  • Behavioural support services
  • Nicotine patches, gum and lozenges
  • Wellness and healthy lifestyle advice
  • Kaupapa māori support services
  • Pacific support services.


Quitline is open 24/7 and can help you quit in a number of different ways. You can ring, text, email or do it all online.

  • Call Quitline free on 0800 778 778 or text 4006. Quit Advisors work with people to make a plan. People who use Quitline's services and support are more likely to successfully quit than those who try to quit alone.

  • At Quitline's website, can register for free help, plus see how much money they are saving by quitting - there's a 'Quit Stats' tool There’s also really good info about vaping to quit.

  • Join Quitline's blog community for 24 hour support from people who are going through just the same trials.
  • Quitline has a Facebook page at
  • Register by phone, text or online and get sent texts to help motivate you as you quit.
  • 24/7 personal support for both phone and text services.
  • Nicotine patches, gum and lozenges can double someone's chances of successfully quitting. They are $5 each when you order them from Quitline by phone, text or online. The team can also give advice on other stop smoking medication options.

Whakarongorau Aotearoa runs Quitline and a range of national telehealth health and mental health and addictions services.

Pharmacies with quit smoking services

Some pharmacists can provide funded Nicotine Replacement Therapy without a prescription. This may include nicotine gum, patches, or lozenges. They may also be able to refer you to a local stop smoking service or Quitline.

Find a pharmacy

Page last updated: 20 Dec 2023