
Tobacco control resources: Quality criteria framework

The purpose of the framework is to define and describe quality criteria and mandatory requirements for the development and maintenance of tobacco control resources within Aotearoa. 

The criteria are broad descriptors or markers of quality for tobacco control resources. The mandatory requirements are elements that each new resource must have, to ensure effective management of the range of tobacco control resources. The framework has been developed for those producing, commissioning and maintaining tobacco control resources.  

The criteria have been developed in consultation with tobacco control sector representatives and Cognition Education. 

The framework is intended to:  

  • support good development processes and the application of key health literacy principles
  • ensure appropriate stakeholder and audience engagement  
  • encourage collaborative approaches and sector efficiencies, reducing duplication of effort and resources  
  • support the development of resources that contribute to the overarching Smokefree 2025 goal.
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